!!!Association Zen de Belgique , , ,Address, Rue Cattoir 11 B-1050 Bruxelles /Rue Spira 6 B-7000 Mons(Secretariat) ,phone, +32(0)497 42 34 94 ,fax, ,E-mail, ,web,www.zazen.be :Direction: map :Surrounding Areas Served: ---- :Brief History: :Founders & Successive Chief Priest: :Priest: Master Roland Yuno Rech, vice-chairman of the Association Zen Internationale and responsible for the Gyobutsuji temple in Nice, France. :Annual Services and Events: *summer camp *ordination :Note: ■'''SIMULTANEOUS ENGLISH TRANSLATION''' Dagelijks integrale Nederlandse vertaling van het onderrwijs {{category a}} !このページの変更履歴 {{lastedit 5}}