!!!Temple Zen de la Gendronniere, Zendo-nien {{img zendo-nien.jpg}} , , ,Address,Commune de Valaire 41120 Les Montils ,phone, 33-02-5444-0486/33-02-5444-0487 ,fax, ,E-mail,zen-azi@worldnet.fr ,web,[www.zen-azi.org|http://www.zen-azi.org/] :Directions: '''map''' [click here!|http://yahoo.viamichelin.fr/b2b2c/fra/dyn/controller/dlAmbiguousPortal;jsessionid=rRskpludtRzllbs9wFr_oxh?productId=50979&pim=false&E_pm=210507160lS13J20715906384012918aMAP_PORTAL4i10111n1109000001424000fTGVzIE1vbnRpbHM07NDExMjA0cVmFsYWlyZSAg11003fra5509792d1001026aHR0cCUzQSUyRiUyRmZyLmNhcnMueWFob28uY29tJTJGY2FydGVzJTJGdmlhbWljaGVsaW4uaHRtbA&strChoice=0] :Surrounding Areas Served: ---- :Brief History: In 1979, Master Deshimaru founded to create a center for the dissemination of Zen in Europe. To complement the 19th-century chateau and its existing outbuildings, he had his disciples construct a large dojo which holds up to 400 practitioners. An entirely new infrastructure (sanitary facilities, kitchen, sleeping quarters) was also built under his direction. With its natural setting and verdant grounds, it is an ideal place for zazen practice. On 15th September 2007 to December Sotoshu training monasterey was established. Docho (head of monastery) was Imamura Genshu and Dokan was Akiyama Tozen. :Founders&Successive Chief Priests: *Deshimaru Taisen :Priests: *Yuno Rech :Activities: *Sesshin :Annual Services and Events: *Les Journaux *[40 years of Zen Buddhism in Europe|http://www.zen-azi.org/spip.php?rubrique28] :Note: *[Sesshin d’automne du 1er au 4 novembre 2007|http://www.zen-azi.org/spip.php?article101] {{category t}}{{category g}}{{category z}} !このページの変更履歴 {{lastedit 5}}