世界の人々の生活は相互に依存し、影響を及ぼし合う地球時代を迎えています。平和と繁栄は、人と人との調和と相互発展の中でしか実現できない状況となり 、「人権、平和、環境」等、人類共通の課題を世界の人々と担いあって取り組んでいくことは、我々曹洞宗の使命であります。
この様な時代背景のもと、海外各布教地と連携して、宗祖の教えを実践し世界の人々と友好親善の輪を広げ、未来に生きる子どもたちが安心して暮らせる社 会の実現を夢とし、そのためにはいかなる小さな努力をも惜しむべきではないとSZIは考えます。SZIは、地球時代に向けた試みを様々な形でお手伝いして まいります。
Connecting Zen World
Life of the people in the world is inter-dependent and influences one another in the global age we face. World peace and prosperity are accomplished only through harmonious relationship and utual growth. It is a mission of Sotoshu to hold hands with the people of the world to tackle the ommon problems of mankind such as "Human rights, World peace, Environment" etc.
In this day and age e live, SZI believes we should not spare any effort for a iming to realize the world where children of future generation can live peacefully through cooperating with overseas temples and Zen centers around the world, following the teachings of the founder of Soto-Zen Buddhism, and spreading the circle of friendship throughout the world. SZI would like to help and support the activities striving to make the world better place to live in this global age.
SZI Activities
Buddhism Human Network
Planning and administration of study tours to overseas temples and Zen centers around world and conducting friendship, goodwill mission, and exchange progra ms which would contribute to the world society through Soto-Zen Buddhism.
Support overseas temples and Zen centers, missionaries, and their activities.
Collecting information from overseas temples and Zen centers around the world, sending and sharing information along with SZI activities through SZI newslet ters.
Hold lecture meetings and classes
Together with former missionaries, well-informed people, and those who are cur rently working abroad, we will hold lecture meetings and study classes.
- [modify] 2007/06/30 21:38:08 by kameno
- [modify] 2007/06/30 21:36:35 by kameno
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